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Book reviews/Musings

Six Books for Anti-Leisure

This month has been all about leisure, but at Ark we are also all about that hard work. Some books just have to be read despite their tedious sentences, wacky logic or complete lack of grammatical coherence. It’s tough, but someone’s gotta do. Here are a few staff picks, for when you feel like giving… Keep Reading

Book reviews

“A Little Life” by Hanya Yanagihara: A two-part book review

Masterpiece or soap opera? The aptly and yet ironically named novel A Little Life (it’s literally the size of a brick) has swept across the US and Europe with much fanfare, so much that its author, the otherwise unknown Hanya Yanagihara, appeared at this year’s Louisiana Literature. Here, two Arkers present you with each their own… Keep Reading

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