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Ark Review/Essays

A Note: Defanging critiques, Disciplining dissent

A few months ago my friend Jon and I were invited to give a session at ark books in connection to the Copenhagen Literature Festival (KBH Læser). The topic of the festival this year was “Growth”, in the broadest sense, and the event at ark books was named “Accursed Growth”. We were to speak about… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

Last notes on growth: Depression and fiction

Depression is a deeply personal experience, on many levels. It might be difficult to find the right, or even any words, to fully explain it. However, after a period of depression, looking back on that period as at a linear account of events from one’s life, stagnation seems to be the first word that comes… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

The Violence of Language and Literature

Language is not merely a pure and neutral tool but on the contrary, it is a violent thing that introduces division I want to outline some notes towards the consequences of the idea of language as, at its very basic operation, a violent order. For this I turn to Slavoj Žižek’s reflection on the subject in… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

Jodorowsky’s Dune: The Expanding Universe of the Collective Unconscious

Despite the wealth of adaptations that have made it to the screen throughout the history of cinema, and indeed the enthused popularity and high esteem surrounding prolific cinematic interpretations of respected texts, from Fincher’s Fight Club (1999) and Boyle’s Trainspotting (1996) to Kubrick’s Lolita (1962) and Coppola’s The Godfather (1972), the tendency to both explicitly,… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Musings

Calvino’s 56th invisible city: Copenhagen

Isidora is the city that appears when you desire a city the most. Isidora is the city of dreams, in which you experience how your desires already have become memories. The young man in the story arrives at the city in old age and witnesses himself as a young man having his desires met –… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

Review: I Hate the Internet, by Jarett Kobek

At the bottom of the corn yellow cover, in overstated yet small italics, is written the claim: “a novel”. However, it’s really more like an oversized pamphlet in witness protection, disguising as a novel, cap and sunglasses on, as it never lets the reader forget that it is, in fact, a novel—but a bad one.… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays


Pornografia is the story of a manic obsession that overtakes the protagonists, Mr Witold and Mr Fryderyk, upon their encounter with a young couple, Henia and Karol. It takes place in occupied Poland, in 1943, but the grave setting and circumstances are of relatively little importance for the story itself: the true drama, the substance of the book,… Keep Reading

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