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Your Neighbor Will Kill You: Reading Kafka with Lacan

In my previous column on Kafka and Lacan we looked at the operation of the Law in Kafka’s novels. I argued that Kafka’s work demonstrates that the Law is situated in the Lacanian dimension of the Real. That is, Kafka’s Law is situated beyond the limit of any hermeneutic capability, and yet the Law as… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

Reading The Readers Of Sasha Grey Reading Slavoj Žižek

I happened upon this picture of the actor, writer, musician and former pornographic actor, Sasha Grey, reading Slavoj Žižek’s 2008 book, In Defence of Lost Causes, on my Facebook timeline posted by a fan/meme page dedicated to the Slovenian philosopher. The photograph itself was clearly part of an attempt to mould Grey’s public persona in… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

The Law Ex-ists: Reading Kafka with Lacan

A reading of Kafka’s Law as a non-existent existence. We begin, of course, with an excerpt from “Before the Law,” Kafka’s famous parable from his novel The Trial (1925): “Before the law stands a doorkeeper. To this doorkeeper there comes a man from the country and prays for admittance to the Law. But the doorkeeper says… Keep Reading

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