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Slavoj Žižek

Ark Review/Essays

Proof that Kafka Read Lacan: Reading Kafka with Lacan

Previously on Reading Kafka with Lacan, we have dealt with how the ‘external’ law machine and ‘internal’ configurations of Kafka’s characters play out in Franz Kafka’s major works, The Castle (1926) and The Trial  (1925).1 In the following however, rather than attempt such a broad analysis of Kafka’s major themes, I will be focussing on his… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

The Violence of Language and Literature

Language is not merely a pure and neutral tool but on the contrary, it is a violent thing that introduces division I want to outline some notes towards the consequences of the idea of language as, at its very basic operation, a violent order. For this I turn to Slavoj Žižek’s reflection on the subject in… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays

Reading The Readers Of Sasha Grey Reading Slavoj Žižek

I happened upon this picture of the actor, writer, musician and former pornographic actor, Sasha Grey, reading Slavoj Žižek’s 2008 book, In Defence of Lost Causes, on my Facebook timeline posted by a fan/meme page dedicated to the Slovenian philosopher. The photograph itself was clearly part of an attempt to mould Grey’s public persona in… Keep Reading

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