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Book reviews

Review: “Conversations with Friends” by Sally Rooney

I’m not sure whether the publishing company Faber and Faber had a specific target group in mind when they put together the promotional material for Sally Rooney’s debut novel Conversations with Friends, in 2017. Though this story is very much about the lives and mindsets of millennials (roughly speaking the generation born between the early… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

Book Review: “Plainwater” by Anne Carson

Yesterday someone came into the shop and picked up the book where I had left it open. She liked: the persona confused over a drowned dog. She disliked: the sentence “Air cracks apart like a green fruit.”(124) This is to her too self-satisfied, and asked was this a poem at all, this diary entry of… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

Book Review: Torpor, By Chris Kraus.

Torpor is the final part of Chris Kraus’ I Love Dick trilogy, a series which chronicles the final years of her (character’s) marriage to the cultural theorist Sylvère Lotringer and her obsession with Dick and her attempts to become a filmmaker, and maybe in the process become a little bit more like her hero, Simone Wiel. Set… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

A book for our times

One dimension of these times in which we live, the times of post-truth, is that they are troubled by an epidemic of fake news. The “fake” infuses the public debate of which we are a part of, whether we like it or not. This very specific condition can be, and indeed is, met with a… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

Review: “How Should a Person Be” By Sheila Heti

While reading this book, my exasperated groaning-rate was higher than usual. The whole thing reads like an ‘about me’ section from the early days of social media, like an all too earnest myspace page. Sheila Heti, the author, has written a story about representation and constructing a self through art. Her namesake protagonist wants to… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Book reviews

Book Review: ‘Talk’ by Linda Rosenkrantz

Linda Rosenkrantz’s book Talk is a collection of the real-life conversations between Rosenkrantz and her two best friends, which she recorded during the summer of 1965 and transcribed into twenty-eight chapters of carefully selected dialogue. The book contains the universal topics of sex, love, food, self-identity and mental health and reflects the anxieties of a post-pill generation… Keep Reading

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