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Ark Review/Essays

We still need a room of one’s own

In 1929, Virginia Woolf wrote a manifesto in prose form, the well-known A Room of One’s Own. In this essay, short text, whatever you want to call it, she reflects on the relationship between women and fiction. Overall, she exposes to the greater audience the idea (and reality) that 1. through history, women have been denied… Keep Reading

Ark Review

What is Xenofeminism?

In the name of feminism, ‘Nature’ shall no longer be a refuge of injustice, or a basis for any political justification whatsoever! If nature is unjust, change nature! — Laboria Cuboniks   Xenofeminism draws on a multiplicity of influences and has implications for just as many areas in philosophy, the pharmaceutical industry, music, biology, mathematics,… Keep Reading

Essays/Long read

A Small but Maximalist Translatological Manifesto by Stanisław Barańczak: An untranslatable text on translation

I When we were very young, in 1990, a brilliant Polish translator named Stanislaw Barańczak wrote this brilliant essay about translation. Paradoxically, the text itself resists translation, that is, unless one is prepared to follow a rather twisted scenario worthy of a Borgesian imagination. Untranslated, the essay remains largely unknown abroad and even in Poland… Keep Reading

Ark Review

Manifesto Month

This month on the Ark Review we are teaming up with kbh Læser to explore the form of the manifesto! We have a whole bunch of stuff planned. Franel Korbanski will (likely) be meditating on the impossibility and importance of translation by looking at the Translatological Manifesto by the renowned Polish poet and translator, Stanisław… Keep Reading


Ark Books and KBH Læser

Over the last few years, Ark Books enjoyed a fruitful collaboration with the all star team at KBH Læser. In 2015 we hosted reading by and a debate on love between Pia Tafdrup and Caspar Eric hosted by long-time friend of the store, Rasmus Varnich Blumensaat. With the introduction of the Ark Audio podcasting platform… Keep Reading

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