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Essays/Long read

A Small but Maximalist Translatological Manifesto by Stanisław Barańczak: An untranslatable text on translation

I When we were very young, in 1990, a brilliant Polish translator named Stanislaw Barańczak wrote this brilliant essay about translation. Paradoxically, the text itself resists translation, that is, unless one is prepared to follow a rather twisted scenario worthy of a Borgesian imagination. Untranslated, the essay remains largely unknown abroad and even in Poland… Keep Reading

Long read

A Guide to Political-economy for Humanities Folks

It’s money month on the Ark Review, so what could be better than making a quick and dirty introduction to some of the frequently used but often undefined concepts that are thrown around when we talk about the politics of money and cultural productions. First a few caveats. The outlines of these concepts given here… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays/Long read

Against The Priests of Truth

(An edited translation of this text has been published in the Danish publication Atlas.) This month on the Ark Review, taking inspiration from Mark Grief’s recent book “Against Everything”, we are going to try and write against everything. Collectively though, and one subject at a time. So really more like Against ________. As in, fill… Keep Reading

Ark Review/Essays/Long read

The Terrifying Ambivalence of Theory-Fiction

I want to talk about theory-fiction, an obscure practice that has been around for a while but has recently reared itself back into view. While we could take this to mean theory heavy pieces of auto-fiction such as I Love Dick or, according to the unflattering assessment of the critic James Woods, the hysterical realists1 (works… Keep Reading

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